Life local_fire_department Featured One Foot in Yesterday Moving forward isn’t always as simple as leaving the past behind. As I step into a new chapter, I still feel the pull of everything I once knew.
Life Beyond the Struggle When the struggle ends, the story doesn't. Life goes on as I start work on a new chapter.
Life At 26, Life in 35 Questions Can a list of 35 questions sum up a person’s life? Here's me, trying hard to encapsulate everything by answering the Proust Questionnaire.
Life local_fire_department Featured Everything but the Kitchen Sink When life takes everything but the kitchen sink, what happens with what's left behind?
Thoughts Stories I Wish I Hadn't Told We all have those stories we wish we’d kept to ourselves—the ones that hang around long after they’ve been told, leaving us wondering if some things are better left unsaid.
Friends local_fire_department Featured The Empty Call List When life gets tough, the phone stays silent. Unfortunately, some friendships are just numbers in a phonebook.
Life Lost in Transition Caught between "what was" and "what's next," finding clarity in the chaos of life's in-between moments.
Love A Dream Come True I'm mildly surprised at how I realized that I had one of my dreams in high school come true. I'm really tipsy, but I can still write (with okay-enough punctuation and grammar) so, while my thoughts are pretty "unrestrained," I guess I'll
Thoughts Out on the Town I set all my regrets on fire Cause I know I'll never take the time With heavy thoughts, a heavy heart, and heavy regrets, I took off for the night. As the evening was quickly approaching, there wasn't a more perfect time to leave my current
Friends Bye-Bye Bestie It's always extremely sad to lose someone close to you. It's even sadder when it's a conscious decision to let them go. Even though I want to think that it's not the case, the truth is that I have to really disengage
Friends It Was Always a Good Time The ever-worrisome idea that, someday, sometime in the future, you'll find yourself living in a "moment" in which you wish would never end. Until it does.
Thoughts Slapped by an Epiphany This is a pretty weird time in my life. 2022 feels like a year where I've experienced so much growth in the span of, oh say, 5 months, compared to the past 3 years. It feels weird because the person I was in December, 5 months ago, was
High School local_fire_department Featured My Korean Parents Never Picked Me up from School I wonder what my eomma would make me for dinner?
Thoughts Photos That Mean a Thousand Words There's a popular saying that goes: "A picture is worth a thousand words." While I believe in it, I personally think that something can be worth a lot, but mean so little. Take the latest phones for example. They're worth a lot, for sure,
Thoughts local_fire_department Featured How I Talk to Myself Most people, as far as I've researched, have an inner voice. We all talk to ourselves in some way or another. In elementary/high school, I was usually quiet and was considered pretty weird. I don't know why, I guess I was just too much into
Friends Drawing with High School Friends! As you may or may not know, I only have Discord as my "main messaging platform" and I have a small group there filled with classmates from high school. We aren't much, just around 20 people right now, but a few of us get together on
Friends It's Always a Good Time Honestly, I can't describe how nice it feels to have my friends from high school talk to me again on an almost daily basis.
Life The Waiting Game I'm just biding my time, waiting patiently, hoping, believing, trusting, and wishing that day will come.
Work Noise-Cancelling and Why It Works for Me Ever since I've entered the professional workforce almost 2 years ago, I've witnessed how dynamic the modern work environment could be. There are different office layouts for each company, and people in higher positions could be placed in several places. In the first job I'
Life The Lost Year Hooray, a year has gone by since I've started working as a software engineer! It seems like it was only yesterday when I walked into the office as an employee of this company. Time has passed so fast, I can't believe a year went by! Actually,
Work My 2019 Secondment It's been a while since I've posted here, haven't I? It seems that August of 2018 was the last time I published a post here, and a lot has happened since then. Let's just say that, for the most part, things have
Love Rumors Unmoved By the Wind It's been a long time since I last fell in love, but that's okay. I didn't actually fall in love with anyone this year, if I'm going to be honest. And, with the year wrapping up next month, I doubt I'
College local_fire_department Featured The 1-Day Time Traveler Okay, well, the truth is that I was able to travel through different time periods in my life. Here's how I did it.
Life Departures and Arrivals It has been a few months since I have "landed" on this new plane of experiences in my life, and it's also been a while since I have talked about the place I have left behind—college. Today, I want to talk about the journey I