My Scary Halloween Day
Halloween just ended a few minutes and, I swear to God, most of my friends are making the most out of their Halloween. Yo, I'm seeing pictures of my best friends all getting themselves ready for Halloween. Decked out with the latest costumes coupled with somewhat-realistic effects on their faces, I can surely say that my friends really know how to celebrate this season of the spooky and scary well. As for my friends not celebrating Halloween, they're either preparing for midterm exams or they're preparing for All Souls' Day. What's sad is that I'm not even preparing nor am I celebrating for any event soon.
Times like these are a great time to spend with your family and friends. On Halloween, you can spend your night with friends and go trick or treating. On All Souls' Day, you usually go with your relatives to your nearby cemetery to mourn over the dead and pay respects to them. Instead, I'm just spending this season locked up in my room—nothing special.
My day was so stressful and so annoying.
Despite the statement above, the day started out pretty humorous. In the morning, I just remembered that I don't have training today (I'm currently in an organization/club that has training sessions, I'll focus on that in another blog post). I was relieved that I would spend the day with no one but myself. Until, of course, a "special someone" messaged me.
I still regret talking to that person the day before. I just messaged that person because I haven't talked to them in a while and they suddenly needed my help coding the HTML and CSS for their midterm project. It kind of snowballed from thereon out.
Now I had a "commitment" with this person because I said that I would help them. Technically, it's not a commitment, it's more of, what I would say, a "slave call," if you will. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's like I'm this person's slave. Now, you might wonder why I said that, and the explanation behind it is pretty simple. That person has gotten so used to using me over and over again that, by default, they think that I would help them no matter what their request is—and, if that's what they're thinking, they're right.
So, what did I do? Well, I'll gladly tell you all.
I spent hours and hours coding and working with the codes using an extremely slow internet connection and I had to use TeamViewer and Skype at the same time. Pardon my language, but it was a "pain in the ass," so to speak. Since I have my laptop hooked up to the TV and I don't want anyone hearing in on our call, I had to grab a pair of earphones (which are not comfortable at all to us) and continue the call from there. After that, I had to work with that person's HTML and CSS through TeamViewer. Oh God, the lag. I had already clicked the "Optimize for speed" button and it was still slow and lagging. I closed off everything except Sublime Text, Skype, and TeamViewer and it was still slow.
What frustrated me more is that the person who asked for help didn't even start with the HTML codes. Like, seriously, you asked me to help you code your project, NOT START THE ENTIRE PROJECT FROM SCRATCH. I had to copy my original work and base it off there. I had to remove so many lines of code from the HTML and CSS files, and that frustrated me the most.
But wait, there's more.
Not only did that person not know how to start coding for their project, they have extremely high expectations. You want me to help you code your project? Fine. What's that, you now want me to code from the very beginning because you haven't started on anything yet? Fine. You want me to make your project look pretty? Fine. You want me to use different backgrounds for each page? Fine. You want me to make a gallery page that contains 800 pictures and it perfectly displays those images using an interactive light box that (probably) uses JavaScript? NO WAY. For starters, both of us don't know how to code in JavaScript. In fact, that person doesn't even know what the difference of HTML and CSS is.
Despite all of the things I've mentioned above, the scariest thing about my day is..
that after all the blood, sweat, and effort I've put in to this project, I will just be given a mere "thanks" followed by months of that person not messaging me until they need me again. It's the story I've experienced with that person time and time again. They need help, I help them, they don't message me for months until they need me again. And sure, by this point you might have already concluded that the person I'm talking about is of the opposite sex. You might even say I have feelings for this person, but (in reality) I don't. I barely have any feelings (of happiness, of excitement, or anything really) towards this person. Why did I do this? Because I'm "user friendly."
People like me are those people who just can't muster up the courage to say no. That person has used me time and time again in a number of various projects, and (quite frankly) I'm getting sick of getting the same result time and time again. I'm not the type of person who asks for much, but that person could hang out with me or (if she's very lazy), that person could, AT THE VERY LEAST, talk to me on Skype or on Facebook for 3 hours about a topic that we both will surely enjoy. It's not much, I work on your project for 8-9 hours while you just sit there and comment on what I've done, and you repay me by talking to me for a few hours. Most of the girls in film and on TV talk to the person for a few hours or at least they feel a sense of gratitude towards that person.
The person I'm currently helping doesn't even try to sugarcoat the situation, she just ignores my messages after I've sent her my final work. It's as if she said, "You have my work now? Thanks. Now to ignore you for weeks or months and I'll only talk to you when I need you. Ciao."
Now what? I've discussed this matter with my real, real best friend and he (and his loving family) explicitly said that I shouldn't talk to that person anymore. As in to totally ignore that person from now on. I'm not sure if I should do that, considering that she and I had been friends for quite a long time. But when, at this point, I just want this "using" to stop.
It's hard being friends with a person who just uses you and doesn't even know what "debt of gratitude" means. I'm fed up and this needs to end. Hope you all have a happy Halloween.