As much as I would like to, I cannot travel. I mean, sure, I would love to get lost somewhere in Europe or finally go to the place where dreams come true, Seoul, South Korea. But, just like my schedule, there are hindrances that are hard for me to get by. For one, I am under 18, and that means I cannot travel without an adult. Second, I do not have a Korean visa. Third, and the worst part is, I barely have 1/64 of the money needed for a full-fledged trip to Korea.

people walking on sidewalk near high rise buildings during daytime
I'm sorry, my love, but there will come a day where you and I will finally be together. Photo by yeoul Shin / Unsplash

For those of you people wondering why I love South Korea so much (or mostly Seoul), the main reason why I love that country so much is because it looks so . . . . modern. It feels "futuristic" and, I mean, it is like a place where almost everything in the world can happen. Taller skyscrapers, more lush trees, cleaner streets, the list goes on. Just by looking at the picture, you can see the picturesque beauty and serenity of the nighttime scene. Actually, when I just found that picture (around 5 minutes ago), I immediately thought to myself, "Wow, that is the place that I will go to when I have a girlfriend," and I felt my spine shiver for some reason. The picture just made me feel how lucky these people are and how unlucky I am. Sure, life could be a lot worse to me, but it could also be a lot better. I know I should be thankful for the things I have and for the opportunities I still have, but I still envy the people who have more opportunities, and those who have better lives.

Finally, as much as I would love to reach most of my goals (or all of it), I cannot accomplish them all. I am not getting any younger and, although I am still young, time is catching up on me. Around 40% of the best years in my life has already passed and they cannot be brought back again. I did not get a first kiss in high school (or even a girlfriend for that matter). I did not become "Prom King" in the prom. I did not make it to the national competition. Most of all, I did not realize how important time was and how it could be a piece of leverage, or a great "hindrance," to someone's life.

Although, most of the time, time itself is not actually a hindrance, it is a resource. A resource that cannot be bought by money and, once used, cannot be brought back. Finally, I would like to get to the point in this blog post.

Hindrances, like most obstacles, have a solution or a way around them. There are also some hindrances in your life that could impede you from releasing 100% of your potential. In my case, it is my laziness and failure to study and understand a lesson in math or any other subject. I am not afraid to admit that I am lazy because I truly am, and I won't deny it. However, there is a way around it. By trying and sticking to the schedule (and also by providing an inspiration), I can overcome it and do the task(s) I was supposed to do. But in the case of me going to the magical land of Seoul, South Korea, there are hindrances that I cannot overcome . . . . yet, like expenses, age, the Korean visa, old and unusable passport, and getting a new passport (I had only one passport, and I lost it).

Maybe, one day, I will be able to overcome these hindrances. Maybe someday, but I know for sure that day is not today.

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Photo by Gary Bendig / Unsplash

Like everything, humans are imperfect. Almost everything that we make, from software to the schedules we have planned out, even by looking at our history, you can see that we, as a species, are imperfect like the rest. We have flaws—vulnerabilities that cannot be patched—and there are those times where our flaws are exposed (or re-exposed), released to the public for everyone to see.

Take the blog post schedule I made for example. It sounds easy. Post every Monday, Thursday, and Sunday—that is basically it. However, due to time constraints and the fact that I arrive home at around 5 PM, there are usually those things that prove to be a great hindrance to my schedule (e.g. laziness, sleeping, homework, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) and it is really, really hard to get around it. As much as I would love to, I cannot post everyday. Besides, there is not much to write about anyway as I do not always do exciting stuff and most of my blog posts are about my "banter" on my daily struggles in life, not much.

As much as I would like to, I cannot travel. I mean, sure, I would love to get lost somewhere in Europe or finally go to the place where dreams come true, Seoul, South Korea. But, just like my schedule, there are hindrances that are hard for me to get by. For one, I am under 18, and that means I cannot travel without an adult. Second, I do not have a Korean visa. Third, and the worst part is, I barely have 1/64 of the money needed for a full-fledged trip to Korea.

people walking on sidewalk near high rise buildings during daytime
I'm sorry, my love, but there will come a day where you and I will finally be together. Photo by yeoul Shin / Unsplash

For those of you people wondering why I love South Korea so much (or mostly Seoul), the main reason why I love that country so much is because it looks so . . . . modern. It feels "futuristic" and, I mean, it is like a place where almost everything in the world can happen. Taller skyscrapers, more lush trees, cleaner streets, the list goes on. Just by looking at the picture, you can see the picturesque beauty and serenity of the nighttime scene. Actually, when I just found that picture (around 5 minutes ago), I immediately thought to myself, "Wow, that is the place that I will go to when I have a girlfriend," and I felt my spine shiver for some reason. The picture just made me feel how lucky these people are and how unlucky I am. Sure, life could be a lot worse to me, but it could also be a lot better. I know I should be thankful for the things I have and for the opportunities I still have, but I still envy the people who have more opportunities, and those who have better lives.

Finally, as much as I would love to reach most of my goals (or all of it), I cannot accomplish them all. I am not getting any younger and, although I am still young, time is catching up on me. Around 40% of the best years in my life has already passed and they cannot be brought back again. I did not get a first kiss in high school (or even a girlfriend for that matter). I did not become "Prom King" in the prom. I did not make it to the national competition. Most of all, I did not realize how important time was and how it could be a piece of leverage, or a great "hindrance," to someone's life.

Although, most of the time, time itself is not actually a hindrance, it is a resource. A resource that cannot be bought by money and, once used, cannot be brought back. Finally, I would like to get to the point in this blog post.

Hindrances, like most obstacles, have a solution or a way around them. There are also some hindrances in your life that could impede you from releasing 100% of your potential. In my case, it is my laziness and failure to study and understand a lesson in math or any other subject. I am not afraid to admit that I am lazy because I truly am, and I won't deny it. However, there is a way around it. By trying and sticking to the schedule (and also by providing an inspiration), I can overcome it and do the task(s) I was supposed to do. But in the case of me going to the magical land of Seoul, South Korea, there are hindrances that I cannot overcome . . . . yet, like expenses, age, the Korean visa, old and unusable passport, and getting a new passport (I had only one passport, and I lost it).

Maybe, one day, I will be able to overcome these hindrances. Maybe someday, but I know for sure that day is not today.