Today was one of those days. Another day with my high school friends.

My day started out as usual. I reported in for work in the morning, had a morning call with the team I had at work. All was well until it was the afternoon. We had this long company call about stocks, finances, investments. Personally speaking, these long calls that aim to increase my financial literacy are "tolerable," I personally dislike talking about money/capital. Especially a 2-hour long call of it. While the talk was great, it ultimately stressed me out to the point that I passed out after clocking out at work. I slept for around 3 hours.

Then, surprisingly, I woke up. (I don't usually take short naps, I prefer sleeping for 5+ hours.) I checked my phone and I got pinged on my high school Discord server. Some of my friends wanted to play which I looked forward to after being sick/unwell for 2 days.

Game on, right?

Well, yeah. The spirit is willing but the body is weak, or whatever that line was. The call in the afternoon, heat, and general exhaustion meant that I had a severe headache. I wasn't feeling well at all. Add in the fact that my room was a mini sauna due to how hot it was. I couldn't game well, for sure.

At most, I could play several rounds with them (9+), but this time I played only 2 rounds, and then I couldn't anymore. One person in our group suggested we play a drawing game together.

It was a game where you had a sentence given to you anonymously from another player and you were supposed to draw it. Since some of us have humor that hasn't matured since HS, it was pretty funny.

Some of the artworks in there were pretty funny and cute.

Others were funny if you get some of the inside jokes and stuff. Until someone was tasked to draw a phallic-looking object and things began to go downhill from there. For reference, the word for this image was, "Cowboy getting hit with a dildo."

Someone drew this cute masterpiece (imo). The word for this was "PP."

The next one was, "Spinning dildo" and some Pablo Picasso drew this:

And finally, "3D dildo" which had this:

I'm not sure how it devolved to this state, where almost every drawing had a phallic-looking item drawn in it. But when we first saw it, we were shocked and we all promptly drew these for some damn reason.

I was already laughing and making jokes in the call before this drawing game. When we got this far into the game, I literally was coughing hard from the laughter and my cheeks were sore, and so did the others.

Needless to say, I had a pretty fun night and it instantly wiped away all the pain and troubles I was experiencing the whole week. Even for a bit, these moments made me feel genuinely happy—not the drawing phallic objects part—but hanging out with my close friends.

These are the nights and moments in my life where I could "live forever." In this moment, I don't have any stress, worry, or concern as I'm just absorbed in the fun of the situation. In the future, I know I'll miss days like these. Days and moments where I laughed with friends, people I love. They're moments in my life where I thank whatever's out there for giving me the chance to spend time with these people.

Hopefully, I could have more days like this with my friends.

" >

Drawing with High School Friends!

Drawing with High School Friends!

As you may or may not know, I only have Discord as my "main messaging platform" and I have a small group there filled with classmates from high school. We aren't much, just around 20 people right now, but a few of us get together on some nights to play this FPS game, talk, share jokes and other stories with each other.

Today was one of those days. Another day with my high school friends.

My day started out as usual. I reported in for work in the morning, had a morning call with the team I had at work. All was well until it was the afternoon. We had this long company call about stocks, finances, investments. Personally speaking, these long calls that aim to increase my financial literacy are "tolerable," I personally dislike talking about money/capital. Especially a 2-hour long call of it. While the talk was great, it ultimately stressed me out to the point that I passed out after clocking out at work. I slept for around 3 hours.

Then, surprisingly, I woke up. (I don't usually take short naps, I prefer sleeping for 5+ hours.) I checked my phone and I got pinged on my high school Discord server. Some of my friends wanted to play which I looked forward to after being sick/unwell for 2 days.

Game on, right?

Well, yeah. The spirit is willing but the body is weak, or whatever that line was. The call in the afternoon, heat, and general exhaustion meant that I had a severe headache. I wasn't feeling well at all. Add in the fact that my room was a mini sauna due to how hot it was. I couldn't game well, for sure.

At most, I could play several rounds with them (9+), but this time I played only 2 rounds, and then I couldn't anymore. One person in our group suggested we play a drawing game together.

It was a game where you had a sentence given to you anonymously from another player and you were supposed to draw it. Since some of us have humor that hasn't matured since HS, it was pretty funny.

Some of the artworks in there were pretty funny and cute.

Others were funny if you get some of the inside jokes and stuff. Until someone was tasked to draw a phallic-looking object and things began to go downhill from there. For reference, the word for this image was, "Cowboy getting hit with a dildo."

Someone drew this cute masterpiece (imo). The word for this was "PP."

The next one was, "Spinning dildo" and some Pablo Picasso drew this:

And finally, "3D dildo" which had this:

I'm not sure how it devolved to this state, where almost every drawing had a phallic-looking item drawn in it. But when we first saw it, we were shocked and we all promptly drew these for some damn reason.

I was already laughing and making jokes in the call before this drawing game. When we got this far into the game, I literally was coughing hard from the laughter and my cheeks were sore, and so did the others.

Needless to say, I had a pretty fun night and it instantly wiped away all the pain and troubles I was experiencing the whole week. Even for a bit, these moments made me feel genuinely happy—not the drawing phallic objects part—but hanging out with my close friends.

These are the nights and moments in my life where I could "live forever." In this moment, I don't have any stress, worry, or concern as I'm just absorbed in the fun of the situation. In the future, I know I'll miss days like these. Days and moments where I laughed with friends, people I love. They're moments in my life where I thank whatever's out there for giving me the chance to spend time with these people.

Hopefully, I could have more days like this with my friends.